Dr. Ramneesh Garg

MBBS, MS, DNB (General Surgery)
MCh (Plastic Surgery)

Dr. Ramneesh Garg

Dept of Plastic Surgery
Dayanand Medical College & Hospital
Ludhiana – 141001, Punjab, India

Memberships/ Fellowships

Member National Academy of Medical Sciences
Member Association of Surgeons of India
Member Association of Plastic Surgeons of India
Member Oculoplasty Association of India
Member Diabetic Foot Society of India
Fellow International College of Surgeons- Indian Section
Fellow Association of Surgeons of India (FAIS)


  • R G Saraiya Travelling Fellowship- 2013
  • IX IPRAS National Travelling Fellowship – 2010
  • Jhonson & Jhonson Travelling Fellowship – 2009

Additional Trainings

  • Training in Plastic surgery at Cleveland Clinic, Ohio, USA
  • Training in Microvascular surgery at Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
  • Training in Cancer reconstruction at Memorial Sloan- Kettering Cancer Centre , York Avenue, New York
  • Training in Plastic Surgery at PGIMER Chandigarh during MCh


  • Objective assessment of progressive increase in bite force post surgical correction of mandibular fractures using Nupai bite scan analyser. Rafique S, Rakesh D, Uppal SK, Garg R, Mittal RK, Shah S. Int J Res Med Sci 2021;9:1684-91.
  • Evaluation of the component separation technique for the treatment of patients with large incisional hernia. Munish Trehan, Kunwar Aggarwal, Jaspal Singh, Sanjeev Singla, Ramneesh Garg. International Journal of applied and Basic Medical Research 2021;11(1):40-43
  • Management of Lower Limb Vascular Injuries in a Tertiary care centre: An Indian Scenario. Ramneesh Garg, Rajinder K Mittal, Sheerin Shah Kathpal, Devika Rakesh. Indian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. 2021;8:129-33
  • A statistical analysis of incidence, etiology, and management of palatal fistula. Ramneesh Garg, Sheerin Shah, Sanjeev Uppal, Rajinder K Mittal. Natl J Maxillofac Surg 2019;10:43-6.
  • Role of Laparoscopy in Perforation Peritonitis. Munish Trehan, Roop Kanwar Sidhu, Sanjeev Singla, Jaspal Singh, Ramneesh Garg. JEMDS 2019; 8(19): 1540-44
  • Modified Mid Palmar Flap for Middle Finger Tip Injuries: A Review of 12 Cases. Ramneesh Garg, Sheerin Shah, Sanjeev Uppal, Rajinder K. Mittal, Bhavya Thakur, Soheb Rafique . Journal of Orthopaedics, Traumatology and Rehabilitation 2019; 11(1):27-30
  • External fixator immobilized cross- leg flap- Our experience . Ramneesh Garg, Sheerin Shah, Sanjeev Uppal, Rajinder Mittal, Bhavya Thakur. JEMDS 2018; 7(32): 3617-19
  • A prospective study of predictors for post laparotomy abdominal wound dehiscence. Ramneesh G, Sheerin S, Surinder S, Bir S. J Clin Diagn Res. 2014 Jan;8(1):80-3.
  • A Retrospective Audit of Hundred Patients of Orbitozygomatic Fractures with Brain Injury. Garg Ramneesh, Gupta Gulzar, Uppal Sanjeev, Mittal Rajinder, Pal Ranabir, Garg Nikhil.Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2014 Jul, Vol-8(7): NC04- NC06
  • Role of Gamma Irradiated Amniotic Membrane in the Management of Superficial Partial Thickness Burns. Ramneesh Garg, Dr Rita Singh, Dr Sanjeev Uppal, Dr Ashok K Gupta. Indian Journal of Burns 2011; 19(1): 74-75
  • A retrospective analysis of 189 patients of maxillofacial injuries presenting to a tertiary care hospital in Punjab, India.Gupta AK, Garg R, Gupta A, Bajaj K. J Maxillofac Oral Surg. 2009 Sep;8(3):241-5.
  • Efficacy of topical application of beta urogastrone (recombinant human epidermal growth factor) in Wagner's Grade 1 and 2 diabetic foot ulcers: Comparative analysis of 50 patients. Singla S, Garg R, Kumar A, Gill C. J Nat Sc Biol Med 2014;5:273-7
  • Evaluation of trauma and prediction of outcome using TRISS method. Singh J, Gupta G, Garg R, Gupta A. J Emerg Trauma Shock. 2011 Oct;4(4):446-9.
  • Comparative study of collagen based dressing and standard dressing in diabetic foot ulcer. Trehan Munish, Garg Ramneesh, Singla Sanjeev, Singh Jasdeep, Singh Jaspal, Garg Nikhil. J of Evolution of Med and Dent Sci 2015: 4(21); 3614-3621
  • Role of negative pressure wound therapy in healing of diabetic foot ulcers. Nain PS, Uppal SK, Garg R, Bajaj K, Garg S. J Surg Tech Case Rep. 2011 Jan;3(1):17-22.
  • A clinico-epidemiologic study of 892 patients with burn injuries at a tertiary care hospital in Punjab, India. Gupta AK, Uppal S, Garg R, Gupta A, Pal R. J Emerg Trauma Shock. 2011 Jan;4(1):7-11.
  • Clinical Profile and Outcome of Pediatric Burns in a Teritiary Care Burns ICU in Punjab, India. Sanjeev Uppal, Puneet Pooni, Ramneesh Garg, Ashish Gupta, Daljit Singh, Kuljyot Bajaj. Indian Journal of Burns 2008; 16(1): 24-26
  • Experience with uroflowmetry in evaluation of lower urinary tract symptoms in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Singla S, Garg R, Singla A, Sharma S, Singh J, Sethi P.J Clin Diagn Res. 2014 Apr;8(4):NC01-3
  • Demographic profile of hand injuries in an industrial town of north India: a review of 436 patients. Gupta A, Gupta AK, Uppal SK, Mittal RK, Garg R, Aggarwal N. Indian J Surg. 2013 Dec;75(6):454-61.
  • Study of the relation of clinical and demographic factors with morbidity in a tertiary care teaching hospital in India. Garg R, Aggarwal S, Singh H, Kajal KS, Garg R, Pal R. Int J Crit Illn Inj Sci. 2013 Jan;3(1):12-7.
  • Recovery Following Sub Arachnoid Block: Evaluation using 128 Hz Tuning Fork Goyal Namrata, Luthra Neeru, Sharma Abhinav, Kaul Tej K, Sood Dinesh, Garg Ramneesh. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; 3(31): 8566-8574
  • The Importance of Timing of Reperfusion In Lower Limb Vascular Injury: An Indian Perspective. R Garg, SK Uppal, RK Mittal, A Gupta, NN Uppal, AK Gupta. Can J Plast Surg Vol 19 Suppl A Summer 2011: 174A
  • Challenging trends in Faciomaxillary Trauma: A review of 670 cases SK Uppal, RK Mittal, R Garg, A Gupta, NN Uppal, AK Gupta. Can J Plast Surg Vol 19 Suppl A Summer 2011: 91A (Abstracts of The 16th World Congress of the International Confederation for Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery)
  • Study of Vitamin D3 and lipid profile levels in obese population of north India. Singh Saran Pal, Garg Shirin, Garg Ramneesh Garg. J of Evolution of Med and Dent Sci 2015: 4(8); 1332-1337
  • Morbidity associated with Ureteral stenting: Study of 90 cases. Chahal Harmandeep Singh, Trehan Munish, Sharma Sandeep, Aulakh Baldev Singh, Garg Ramneesh, Kaur Simran, Singla Sanjeev, Bose Abhishek. J of Evolution of Med and Dent Sci 2015: 4(31); 5349-5354
  • Evaluation of myocardial contusion using biochemical markers in chest trauma patients. Goyal Namrata, Gautam Parshottam L, Sharma Abhinav, Kaul Tej K, Bajwa Navjot, Luthra Neeru, Garg Kamakshi, Garg Ramneesh J of Evolution of Med and Dent Sci 2015: 4(69); 82-3
  • Epidemiology and clinical profile of cleft lip and palate patients, in a tertiary institute in Punjab, India : A preliminary study. Sanjeev K Uppal, Sheerin Shah, Rajinder K Mittal, Ramneesh Garg, Ashok Gupta. Journal of Cleft Lip Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies 2016; 49(2): 90-92
  • To evaluate the role of Vitamin C in reducing the resuscitation fluid volume requirement in burned patients. Bharti Tanwar, Dipan Uppal, Rajindrer K Mittal, Sandeep Kaushal, Ramneesh Garg, Sheerin Shah, Sanjeev Uppal. Indian journal of Burns 2018; 26(1): 76-77
  • Diagnostic tools in maxillofacial fractures: Is there really a need of three- dimensional computed tomography? Sheerin Shah, Sanjeev K Uppal, Rajinder K Mittal, Ramneesh Garg, Kavita Saggar. Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery 2016; 49(2): 134-36

Case Reports

  • Spindle cell lipoma of the occipital region: A case report . Rakesh D., Bhatia G., Singh, R. P., Singh, A., & Garg, R. Indian Journal of Case Reports 2020; 6(5): 238-240. 
  • Retained large metallic screw with mandibular fracture after penetrating maxillofacial trauma. Ramneesh Garg, Sheerin Shah, Sanjeev Uppal, Rajinder Mittal, Sundeep Kaur Int J Med Res Health Sci 2015: 4(3); 720-723
  • Pilomatricoma: Another differential in the diagnosis of soft tissue swellings of the ear lobule Int J of Bioassays 2015: 4(6); 3983-3984. Garg Ramneesh, Uppal Sanjeev, Mittal Rajinder, Garg Bhavna, Garg Shirin
  • Palatoplasty in a patient with Seckel syndrome. Garg R, Uppal S, Mittal R, Grewal A, Sood D, Shah S. Ann Maxillofac Surg. 2012 Jan;2(1):63-5
  • Supernumerary nostril: A rare congenital anomaly. Uppal SK, Garg R, Gupta A, Pannu DS. Ann Maxillofac Surg. 2011 Jul;1(2):169-71
  • Pre-expanded epigastric flap cover for ventral hernia following fungal necrotizing fascitis of caesarian section wound: An unusual complication. Uppal SK, Garg R, Gupta A. Indian J Surg. 2010 Jul;72(Suppl 1):309-11
  • Tubercular infection presenting as sinus over ankle joint after knee replacement surgery. Uppal S, Garg R. J Glob Infect Dis. 2010 Jan;2(1):71-2.
  • Unexpected retraction of distal cut end of flexor pollicis longus tendon. Mittal RK, Garg R, Gupta A. J Emerg Trauma Shock. 2009 May;2(2):145-6.
  • Large mucocele involving the ventral surface of tongue in a new born: rare occurrence. Gupta AK, Garg R, Gupta A. Indian J Surg. 2009 Jun;71(3):154-5.
  • Traumatic Supero Lateral Dislocation of Intact Mandibular Condyle with Symphyseal Segmental Fracture - A Case Report. Avinash Gupta, Sheerin Shah, Ramneesh Garg, Sanjeev K. Uppal, Rajinder K. Mittal Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; 3(2): 469-472
  • Penetrating Injury Face: An Unusual Presentation Gupta AK, Garg R The Indian Practitioner 2007; 60(12): 785
  • Palatoplasty in a patient with Seckel syndrome: an anesthetic challenge. Grewal A, Sood D, Bhatia N, Garg R, Shah S, Kaur H. Braz J Anesthesiol. 2014 May-Jun;64(3):216-8.
  • Acrosyndactyly with an epidermoid inclusion cyst: A rare phenomenon Rajinder K Mittal, Ashish Gupta, Priyanka Sharma, Ramneesh Garg Global Journal of Surgery 2011; 2(3): 145-147
  • Recurrent Cleft of Ear Lobe In The Siblings Of The Same Family S Uppal, R Garg The Internet Journal of Plastic Surgery 2008 Vol 6 Number 2
  • Clitoroplasty: A Case Report S Uppal, S Juneja, R Garg Obs & Gyne Today Dec 2008
  • Surgical treatment of penoscrotal elephantiasis: A Case report Dhawan Rishi, Garg Ramneesh, Aulakh Baldev, Uppal Sanjeev, Mittal Rajinder, Gupta Avinash Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences 2014; 3(36):9549-9552
  • Nape of the neck: An unusual site for pilonidal sinus Gupta Gulzar, Garg Ramneesh, Shah Sheerin, Garg Nikhil

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